Libtards hate black people????? (RE)

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ACommissionReviewer's avatar
The magically things you'll see when surfing the internet. There's a user by the name BlameThe1st which is a Brony Libertarian user. I've actually commented about this guy before in the past. In fact my post about debunking the claims made by Americans about universal healthcare and education not being affordable was originally a comment I left on a post he made making the very same claim. Now he deleted that post a day after I made the comment (gee I wonder why). So when I found this laughable stamp: 
                                                                                   <da:thumb id="352844093"/>
I knew I had to make a post about it. However originally I wrote my response as a comment replying mainly to what he wrote in the description. The reason why I am making this post in my journal however is because of two reasons, #1 is in case he deletes this stamp like he deleted the other post all the info from it would still be here. #2 is because for some reason the page wouldn't let me comment as it said the system thought it was spam. Weird. So here's my response and this was written as if it were a comment so please keep that in mind:

So it's very mature of you to call liberals libtards. But even the note there's a problem in ie because it's not the liberals who want limited government, that's the Tea Party and the Republicans. They want less regulation and smaller government. So already we're at a great start!

"In honor of Black History Month, I decided to create a stamp decrying the racism of libtards. I know this may seem slanderous, but if libtards can get away with accusing Republicans, conservatives, and libertarians of hating black people, then I only feel that turnabout is fair play. If anything, it's more accurate to call them the racists."

Are you sure about that? Liberals deserve to be called racists more than republicans? Is that way Donald Trump is leading your political party in the polls right now? Because liberals also had racist signs in rallies against Ben Carson right? Not the Republicans holding racist signs against Obama, right?……………

Yeah, it's the liberals who're more racist and not the republicans or tea partiers.

"Historically, it has been libtards in the Democrat party who supported slavery, segregation, and Jim Crow laws while Republicans fought tooth-and-nail against them.  It was Democrat Jefferson Davis who led the Confederacy in order to preserve slavery while Republican Abraham Lincoln abolished it."

Now actually you're right. The democrats were more of the right wing party for a long time but until after John F Kennedy when the party started to change. You wanna know why and even OddGarfield knows this shit, there was a political party switch. Where the republicans were more the left wing party while the democrats were the right wing party.

" It was Democrat Woodrow Wilson who implemented segregation, and Democrat George Wallace who fought to preserve it, while Republicans repealed it with the Civil Rights Act of 1964."

Oh boy here we go. Okay so let me get it out of the way first, you are right about the first part. However you are DEAD wrong about the civil rights act. Because you wanna know who actually signed in the civil rights act into law?  President Lyndon Johnson, a democrat. Your link is bullshit and the fact that you didn't give a specific name to the supposed republican that "signed in" the civil rights act tells me you already knew about Lyndon Johnson but you didn't want to say it so you bullshited it. Oh yeah by the way, don't think about deleting this post like your last one where I debunked it. Because I'm going to save what I'm writing now, what you wrote here and your stamp so it would be pointless to delete. Along with that I also reposted my comment from that post you deleted with more detail for you to read if you'd like, hell I'll mention you in it.

I should also note that George Wallace in the 1968 election ran for the AIP which was a far right wing party… 

"Many libtards retort by arguing that the racists in the Democrat party shifted to the Republican party following Nixon's "Southern Strategy," and ever since then, it has been Republicans who have been the party of racism."

What? No, I've never heard of that argument before. Then again I'm not an American liberal but rather a Canadian one so who knows. But I did research into the topic and from what I found yeah that would have racists move over the republicans and cause minorities to leave for democrats. It's just that either as there are several cases of the republican party and conservative media being racist, like Fox News.

" There are two problems with this explanation: first, if Nixon sought to win support of Southern racists, he clearly failed, as he lost four of the five segregationist Southern states in the 1968 elections."

Just because he lost doesn't mean he didn't try to win the support. Also I think you should fix your link because for some reason I go to a Japanese website with a girl in a swimsuit titled "Fish! Is this destructive force...". 

" And second, Nixon was a strong proponent of desegregation and civil rights. It was his administration that desegregated southern schools and passed the good-intentioned-but-inherently-flawed Affirmative Action. Clearly, Nixon was no racist, and no racist would be caught dead supporting him."

Well that page you linked is not there so you may need to fix your link. Secondly you are right that he was supportive of civil rights and desegregation. But the arguments being made aren't if Nixon was a racist, but that party was pandering to racists. Which overtime the party attracted more racist members and you got the mess they are today.

"Still libtards claim to be the ones helping black people with their social and economic policies; and because Republicans unilaterally oppose them, they are accused of not caring about black people."

But that's true, in recent years the republican party has shown a distaste toward the African American community so much so when it comes to elections back in 2012 only 6% of black people voted for Republican:…

"The problem, as black conservative columnist Thomas Sowell points out, is that these polices have done more harm than good for the black community: rent control has kept blacks homeless, minimum wage has left them unemployed, affirmative action has turned many into college dropouts, and gun control has turned many into victims of gun violence."

Oh boy you're just a bubble of bullshit aren't ya? So I checked your link and searched the image used in the article, you know how many results came up? ONLY 5! Which means the article is bullshit because the results that came up, two were extremely biased republican blogs, one I don't even know and two were in hebrew which were just repeats of those biased articles. But aside from that let's get to the rest of your bullshit. Rent control has kept blacks homeless? I wouldn't say that. More along the lines of minimum wages being too low and a lack of investment support from the local or state governments really. 

What does the minimum wage have to do with unemployment? Again I would've said a lack of economic investment than anything else. I'm wondering if you know what affirmative action means, because in institutions of higher education, affirmative action refers to admission policies that provide equal access to education for those groups that have been historically excluded or underrepresented, such as women and minorities. So how is that leading to many black students dropping out? Do you have any numbers or sources to back that up? 

Finally to the gun control, that makes not sense. So less guns lead to more gun violence? That makes no sense whatsoever. If you are referring to Chicago then again their gun control policies aren't the issue. In fact it's several issues such as the city not having enough police officers, in fact having 1,000 less than the national recommendation and also having more people move out of the city more than people coming in which means a loss of revenue and not being able to afford things such as infrastructure or employing more officers. Another factor into this is the gang violence itself. Most of the gangs in the city are leaderless so they are less controlled and factoring those last two factors into this one and you've got a bad mix of lack of law enforcement, lack of income, and lack of control on gang violence. 

Affirmative Action:…

"As Sowell laments, "Many liberal ideas about race sound plausible, and it is understandable that these ideas might have been attractive 50 years ago. What is not understandable is how so many liberals can blindly ignore 50 years of evidence to the contrary since then."

Who? Also I googled that quote and I got were shit sites that were saying shit like "Liberals are dumb" and so on and so forth. But the quote itself makes no sense because a lot of liberal ideas work like universal education and healthcare. 

"Actually, it's quite easy to understand: libtards care as much about evidence as they do about blacks--which is not at all!"

That actually applies even better to republicans because unlike republicans the democrats use evidence. Which you clearly don't.

"They don't care about evidence. They don't care about blacks. They only care about their narrow-minded agenda, and if black people get hurt in the process, so be it. They don't care. Never have, never will. Libtards hate black people!"

Pfft. What am I supposed to say to that? It rebuttals itself. I mean to say liberals hate black people is so stupid coming from a republican.

So in conclusion, it's me 2 and you 0. Like I said before if you delete this post it'll be pointless because I already saved everything on it and in it. Including what you wrote, your stamp and what I wrote. 
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Minami-Kousaka's avatar
Is it just me or was :iconblamethe1st: racist and a Trump supporter?